Saturday, October 27, 2012

With Hurricane Sandy Bearing Down on the East Coast - Remember That Schilling Voted to cut FEMA

With a "Frankenstorm" bearing down on the East coast remember that Schilling tried to cut FEMA funding in two ways. The first was to cut their funding overall, and the second, and just as important, was to cut the FEMA emergency fund established by President Obama. The president’s idea was to have $10 billion set aside for Katrina-like emergencies so that FEMA could act quickly. Bobby Schilling sought to cut that money insisting that Congress could deliberate on emergency funding while the victims cooled their heals. Read more about it in The Palm Beach Post. Note that this is the same approach that the House of Representives has used for drought relief and Schilling left town to campaign without doing anything - Illinois farmers are still waiting.

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